30 Day Shred Level 1 Results

Yesterday, I finished level 1 of the 30 Day Shred.  “Officially” you are supposed to do each level for 10 days in a row before moving to the next.  But I did level 1 about 3 times a week so it’s been almost a month since I first started Shredding.

Here are my numbers.

Weight loss for Level 1…..down 4.2 lbs

Inches lost during Level 1…..15.25 inches

  • Waist/Upper Abdomen… down 3.25 inches
  • Lower Abdomen…down 4 inches
  • Hips….down 1.5 inches
  • Lower Hips/Hiney….down 1.25

My thoughts on level 1.  I did the first 2 days back to back…then I could hardly walk for a few days more.  It really worked my thighs and calves more than I expected.  I did it all with 5 lb weights, had to ease off a few reps on some moves as my arms and shoulders were killing me.  I really enjoyed the ab work and could feel myself getting more focused on them as the month went along.   I did girlie push-ups the whole time, but was getting lower and lower each time. 

Realized repeatedly that I need a steel sports bra as jumping jacks were often cut short by having to readjust “the girls”.  Didn’t really have the knee pain I read alot of people experience, as I said I felt it more in my legs.  But even thru that, I always felt great after doing the workout.  I got sweatier in those 25 minutes then I have in a long time and I could feel my heart racing as I pushed myself thru the pain.

So while my weight hasn’t changed much, 5 lbs is better than nothing, I was shocked how many inches I lost.  Especially in my midsection.  I shrunk out of my belt and had to get a “new” old one from my closet…that was awesome!  I have had multiple responses from people at work who noticed that I am losing weight, that always help to motivate me to keep going even when the scale is barely moving.  Jillian is really helping to redefine my body-and I love it!!!

5 Responses

  1. Hi I just found your blog through shrinking jeans. Congrats on the amazing results!! Wow, that has me so motivated. I am on day 5 of the shred. Now I wish I would have taken before and after pictures.

    Did you change your diet? Or just the shred?

    Great job!

    • Hey I think if u eat right, it will def help some,

      In case anyone is interested, what I am doing is eating at least 1 serving of protein per meal (including a carb serving etc) with 2 snacks during the entire day. So I have total of 3 meals plus 2 snacks, 1 for mid morning snack and 1 for mid afternoon snack.

      Stay away from all the fizzie drinks, chips and all that bad stuff. Choose wholewheat over white bread, brown rice over white rice, sweet potato over your regular potatoes.

      Try to include alot of tomatoes, purple grapes and black olives as they have tons of antioxodants in them and not only will they make u feel good but they are really good for ur skin too.

      Oh also choose raw almonds and walnuts over any other type of nut.

      K thats basically my diet now I just need to do this exercise.. woooo lets go girls 😀

  2. awesome results!! 🙂

  3. Wow!! You look great! Amazing results. Guess I will have to buckle down and actually do more than the day 1 of the Shred. I’ve tried it 3 times now and I’m SO sore after the first day that I never do it again!! Great job!! 🙂

    • Thanks Michelle! I totall understand where you are coming from. I couldn’t walk for the first 2 days and then took three days off….but after that it doesn’t hurt as much after it’s over. Not that it’s easy by any means, but at least I am mobile now….Keep it up!

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